1.   National Scholarship : Deserving students are selected by the Govt. of Orissa in order of merit.

Research Activities of the College

Research Projects run by the College

Under UGC Assistance

  1. Role of Voluntary Organizations � By Dr. S. K. Mishra, Sr. Lect. in Pol. Sc.

  2. Odisara Soukhin Natyasanstha � By. B. N. Samal, Lect. in Oriya

  3. Problems and Prospects of Shifting Cultivation in the Context of Paudi Bhuiyan of Orissa � By Dr. B. K. Khilar, Lect. in Anth.

  4. Life & Philosophy of -Malati Choudhury Dr.R.K.Samal ,Reader in Oriya